Each year, the All Saints Children and Youth Program has offered a Transformational Journey to La Mision, Mexico. The youth who go on that trip have the opportunity to do amazing work in the community there guided by the La Mision Children’s Fund and its partners from the town. At the behest of the townspeople, we have worked at the high school, the elementary school, and the food bank in town. In normal times, the people of La Mision suffer widespread food insecurity, a lack of access to basic nutritional and sanitary needs, and do so with little to no government assistance, making this work even more important.
The La Mision Children’s Fund helps mitigate these issues, funding a food bank that supports often a hundred or more families per week, generating educational scholarships for students, acting sometimes as, and even lobbying the Mexican government to allow the opening of La Mision’s high school. The Fund serves to provide crucial resources upon which much of the town and broader area rely, helping families survive and put food on the table while giving the next generation access to the education that will allow them upward mobility.
Covid-19, however, and the closure of the service and tourism economy has forced the growing number of poor to rely heavily on the support of the Food Bank. The increasing need from a growing list of families means that we must find a way to generate funds.
While we cannot physically work in the area, it is crucial that we help the Fund to provide for the needs of La Mision and beyond, which is why we are asking people to give as generously as they can, and help us raise further awareness.
The best way to support is with monthly giving, but any contribution helps in this time of need. We hope you will join, so that this amazing community can survive the pandemic and get back on its feet.
To donate online, click here: https://www.lamisionchildrensfund.org/donate/
To read more about the fund, click here: https://www.lamisionchildrensfund.org/about-lmcf/
If giving by check, please make all checks payable to La Mision Children’s Fund.
La Mision Children’s Fund, 1028 Merritt Drive, El Cajon, CA 92020
The fund is a 503(c)(3) Charity for US Tax Purposes, and thus contributions are tax deductible and the Fund provides annual tax statements to its donors as required by law.